What is hospice care?

Hospice care is a philosophy of treatment focused on caring, not curing. The goal is to help patients get the best quality of life in the time remaining. By caring for any physical and emotional symptoms, the hospice staff ensures that the patient remains as comfortable as possible until the very end.

Where is hospice located?

Hospice is not a place, it’s a care plan. The care is frequently provided in the patient’s home, but can be received in hospitals, nursing homes and other long-term care facilities. Because comfort is crucial at this stage, hospice service comes to you, wherever you feel most at home.

How do I pay for care?

Most hospice patients do not have any out-of-pocket expenses. Often, care is covered by Medicare and other insurance plans. We will walk you through the approval process.

Is there a limit for how long a patient can be in hospice?

Once an individual becomes a patient with Cherish, he or she continues to receive services for as long as necessary.

Is hospice only for bedridden patients?

No. Although some patients are bedridden, Cherish serves terminally ill patients with all types of progressive and chronic diseases.

Is hospice just for the patient?

Hospice takes care of not just the patient, but their family as well. The compassionate staff of Cherish Hospice is there every step of the way, providing the patient’s loved ones with support throughout the emotional, spiritual, and medical challenges that arise.

Is hospice only for bedridden patients?

No. Recent studies have shown the opposite. In many cases, when implemented early enough in the process, hospice care enhances the quality of life due to constant monitoring and the holistic approach to care.

Get in Touch

We’d love to discuss care options for your loved one. To learn more about our services, please contact us at the information below:

Main Office Address: 1929 East High Street, Springfield, OH 45505Phone: 937.355.7154Fax: 937.998. 1022Email: info@cherish-hospice.com
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